About Beban Juniors
Beban Juniors is a show produced by Hope Ventures featuring student entrepreneurs aged 6-17 years as they pitch their business ideas for growth and business opportunities to a panel of judges.
Beban Juniors Objectives
Providing the youth with the necessary resources to develop their business ideas
Highlighting talented youth on a regional platform
Instilling an entrepreneurial mindset in youth to encourage the next generation of aspiring entrepreneurs
Beban Juniors Timeline
Applications (June to August)
Beban Juniors welcomed applications for a duration of two months from private and public schools for students between 6-17 years old.
Selection (End of August)
12 businesses were be selected to receive training and pitch for growth opportunities through Beban Juniors.
Training Bootcamp (September - 3 Weeks)
Selected student entrerpreneurs underwent an intensive training bootcamp that supported them in solidifying their business ideas and pitching skills.
Shooting (October - 1 Day)
Selected student proceeded to shoot their episodes.
Show Airing
The show will air in Ramadhan 2024.

Weeks Bootcamp